Monday, February 6, 2012

If this ain't delphite than kiss my..

...assumption that it was.

I'm not positive if this is delphite or not, I do not have much experience with it - I only own one delphite refrigerator dish & it is thick, these seem rather thin, they are unmarked, I don't believe they are Pyrex, but can someone shine some light on them for me?

Thank you in advance!

- Sir Thrift-A-Lot


  1. My delphite blue bowls and casseroles are all marked PYREX on the bottom. The Pyrex 401, 402, and 403 bowls each vary slightly in color, from darker to lighter. Yours are not the correct shape or color. The shiny, pearl-like glass reminds me of some Fire King, but I don't collect that, and I'm not sure. Most Fire King is marked, I think.

  2. These are beautiful? Are they light blue or lavender? My monitor is reading lavender.

  3. I meant to say "These are beautiful." - not a question. They are indeed beautiful without a doubt! : )

  4. Of course I have my two cents to add!

    These are beautiful but not Delphite and not Bluebell either.

    Delphite was exclusively made in Canada and is marked Pyrex made in Canada. The other bowls made in the US are called Bluebell (name of the pattern) and you have the bowl set (401,402,403). The fridgies were only made in Canada(yay for us) and you can even find some with blue lids. Also made in the 40's are a dish set and the iconic square bottom bowl set.
    Check some pics here

  5. Thanks for the feedback, I didn't think they were Pyrex, but I didn't know where else too go. I didn't know delphite was exclusive to Pyrex, thanks vonlipi. & I remember you, my Pyrex Queen, telling me before that it was exclusive to Canada.

    Feltsey - I will google around & see about being Fire King - thanks!

    Eartha Kitsch - they are light blue. & thank you!

  6. Here's a link to my Flickr pics - I found these Delphite pieces at a yard sale in PEI in the fall - brand new, still with the stickers intact - what a find for just a few cents!

  7. I second that those are Azurite. However, I've read many glass collecting guides that use the term delphite for all sorts of glass makers-- Fire King, McKee, Jeanette...

    I don't believe the term delphite is exclusive to Pyrex. And if we could list the Golden Grapes as Pyrex delphite (which most collectors do), then it's not exclusively Canadian, either.

  8. Did you ever find out more about these? I have the 8" one and my research has turned up nothing.

  9. I just purchased a set just like these and wondered if they were Delphite or Azurite. Is there any updates on information about them?

  10. I have two bowls that look a lot like the ones pictured. They are thinner-walled and unmarked on the bottom. The inside of each bowl is smooth glass, while the outside has a light textured pattern/feel. I thought Fire King was marked on the bottom? Any luck?

  11. These are 100 percent azurite, fire king. Not all fire king is marked. I have it all turquoise and azurite, bluebell pyrex and the 404 squared bottom Canadian. I'd love to find the rest of the Canadian set. You guys call it something else?

  12. These are not Azurite. They are Delphite in colour but not Pyrex as they are unmarked. I own a Vintage shop and carry Fire King Azurite and Pyrex Delphite. The last estate i bought had 2 nesting bowls just like these. I’m scratching my head wondering if they are reproductions.
