Thursday, April 5, 2012

Just an inkling...

Hello Pyrex friends!  Anna from Victory Garden Yarn here.  I recently took a trip to visit family...and returned home to my pokey little Seattle apartment with an armload of new Pyrex!  The fridgies above are just an inkling of the perfectly pretty pieces I found on my journey to California.  You can see the rest of my newest additions by hopping over to my blog, The Victory Garden: Yarn and Curiosities.

I must admit, I never thought I would find a Gooseberry fridgie in the wild, and it might just be my newest prized piece of Pyrex!
What are some of your most prized Pyrex pieces?


  1. Oooh How nice...and I am also ooogling over your hooks over here! :o)

  2. thank you for this dose of very pretty! love the colours, and the details in the back!

  3. Saw the other pieces on your blog... Just gorgeous. The best part of collecting Pyrex is when you unexpectedly find these gems.

  4. My most prized bowl isn't a Pyrex bowl, it's a red dots Federal bowl. Holds the most memory & was my first bowl.

    Also love my delphite fridgies, the ones without the clear lids & all my butterprint.
