Sunday, January 23, 2011

It was a good trip.

I've been doing homework this weekend and decided to take a break and check out Goodwill. I am so glad I did!! I found two of the Forest Fancies Cinderella mixing bowls! I just need to find the 2 smaller ones and I'll have the set. Sadly, this Goodwill is killing me with the prices. Someone has gotten smart and is pricing them with Vintage tags and is now selling them separately. Booo! But for some reason the cashier only charged me for the bigger bowl.

Also, I saw an ad for two stripe mixing bowls on CL. The seller wants 25 for both of them, small size. I keep seeing it pop up so I know no one as bought them. I debating if I should go for it or try to offer a lower amount. Would that be rude?


  1. I say go for it! Anytime I've sold on CL, I've had lower offers.

  2. I found a set of 3 Forest Fancies Cinderella bowls last weekend, and only paid $20 for them which I thought was reasonable. Yeah, GW is onto to us Pyrex collectors, even here in Florida. I would definitely offer a lower amount to the person on CL...the worst they can do is say no. Nice find on the Forest Fancies! :)

  3. Hate those high prices at the thrifts! I would also give a lower offer on the CL item, what have you got to lose? Good Luck.

  4. you must be here in the bay area...i met with that woman about two weeks ago and offered her $20 for the two bowls. she was furious! she was so upset that i made such an effort to meet up with but had no intention of paying the full price. really, who negotiates without seeing the goods in front of them? i (obviously) walked away without them

  5. I do not know what a good price is at Goodwill (or other thrifts) but I know a bad price...LOL. I had a gold and yellow daisey (I think) pattern mixing bowl in my hands at GW earlier today, it was 7.99. I decided I could do without it, it is not my pattern. I just think that is too much at a Thrift store. If it was my pattern, that would probably had a different outcome. LOL
