Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pyrex Spotted - in The Help

I saw a great movie today - The Help - I read the book and the movie didn't disappoint - it was true to the book.  Of course, with any movie set in the 60's -my eyes are always watching for Pyrex - I spotted the primary red and blue bowls - the blue bowl is to the right in the clip , the red one on another counter, which you will have to see for yourself in the movie - check it out!


  1. Oh I knew that movie would have great stuff! I can't wait1 I just watched a movie called My one and Only and it had great vintage dishes and clothes! ♥

  2. I was so going to post about this! I was so bad, I was pointing at the screen to my husband whenever I spotted it! Such a pyrex dork, but I didn't care - I don't think others were distracted! Loved the book, loved the movie, loved the pyrex!

  3. Also noticed the Corningware percolator on the counter in the clip :) I'm seeing the movie later this week. Can't wait!

  4. ooh thanks for this - will have to see this. already in love with the cabinet of turquoise crockery in another shot of the kitchen. and the storyline/social background sounds good, of course.

  5. Love movies with vintage sets - need to watch The One and Only!

    You wereen't the only one pointing out the Pyrex to your husband - I nudged him too!! I don't think he was as excited about the Pyrex appearance as me!!!

    I forgot to mention the percolator - it's in full view!

    It's just a great movie!! I think I need to read the book again.... Hah!

  6. That's so funny because I spotted it too and pointed it out to my friend. LOVED the movie!

  7. P.S. There's one in the dish drainer too. Looks like Butterfly Gold. :)

  8. Awesome! I can't wait to see the movie!

  9. Ahahaha that's funny because I went to see The Help with my mother, and she knows how obsessed I am, so we kept gushing over all the Pyrex.
