Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Check this out!

Hi, I'm Jim and I'm new to this blog. I have been collecting Pyrex for a number of years now along with lots of other 'vintage' stuff. I have a blog on Saturdays called 'Retro Saturday'. Please check it out at :

Anyway, I picked up this 'old' magazine (dated April 1942) in PEI last week at this great little converted church/vintage shop in Murray River called the Blue Moon. There is an ad for Pyrex in it....look at those prices! Double click the pic to enlarge. 

Until next time....happy hunting.


  1. Hey Jim, what was the year of that paper?

  2. I just edited the post to include the date.......April 1942.

  3. What I'd give for that teapot! Cool ad!

  4. how cool is that! thanks for sharing that jim :)
