Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pyrex Trade


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I posted a link above but it didn't work. So I deleted my post. I'm trying again. Hmmmm The link in your post isn't working Amy. Not sure this one will either..
    it appears to be the same...

  3. Bummer! Thx for letting me kno!

    My girlfriend has told me a few times that she likes the browns.
    I am not a fan of the browns, but have lots.

    I was at her house a couple weeks ago
    and saw she has a Large Primary Red Bowl
    vs the Yellow.
    She says she has never found a yellow
    Well WhatDoYouKnow, I have 3.

    The other night she had a MNO
    (Moms Night Out)
    at her house.

    I took my extra yellow
    Plus 5 pieces of brown to 'sweeten the pot'.
    I REALLY wanted the Red.

    She Traded!

    I am now the proud owner of a Large Red Primary!

    Also, I went junking.
    Driving by this 1 little yard sale
    *little* yard sale -
    I saw mostly clothes and started to drive past when...
    I see Bright Red followed by White.

    I stop.
    I pick up.
    I ask 'how much?'
    .50 cents!

    It's in pretty good shape.
    The color looks brand new, except...
    except for all the scratches on it.
    I can look past the scratches tho.

    Went to a local thrift shop and bought a
    yellow w/ speckled loaf pan.
    .75 cents.


    Pretty good weekend for Pyrex.
