Thursday, November 18, 2010

there goes the shopping ban...

On my blog recently, I mentioned that I was on a shopping ban until such time as I had listed everything in my Etsy shop that I had already bought. Well, apparently I forgot to tell my boyfriend Jeff that the ban extended to him because he came home with two pieces of Pyrex today. He really did well though so I can't be too hard on him.

I've never seen a #664 before, so this was a real treat!

And who can pass up Snowflake in Charcoal? Not me, and not Jeff either, it seems!

Have a great day!


  1. That snowflake pattern is one of my favs.

  2. Snowflakes just in time for the holidays! Your bf did a good job ;)

  3. Wonderful pieces. That Jeff if a keeper if her brings home Pyrex!!

  4. Yes, Jeff is definitely trained well. I might have to get my husband to read this blog too!

  5. I passed up a black snowflake exactly like that one today ... but I may have to go back and get it! I've said it before, and I'll say it again...your boyfriend is definitely a keeper! I've been trying to cut down on my Pyrex buying too...mostly because of the holidays and all the $$ involved.
